I’m Theodor

Clinical hypnoTherapist & Performance Coach.

Helping Musicians Uncover, Understand & Transform Limiting Beliefs Habits &

ReDiscover Their True Power

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Helps you overcome the past hurts that are impacting your present by working predominantly with the subconscious mind.

Life Transformational Coaching

Helps you move toward your goals, supporting you to gain clarity and clear the obstacles in your way by working predominantly with the conscious mind.


You Could Effortlessly UncoverUnderstand & Transform All Limiting  Beliefs & Habits?

LET GO of Anxiety, Depression, Fear & Doubt

LET GO of Old Beliefs and Habits that you are NOT Good Enough

LEARN to confidently show up on stage as your most badass self

BECOME an empowered, grounded performer and live a life of fulfilment

Helping You Achieve Balance & Success

Unlock Your Full Potential.


You have the power to rewrite your story and step into the most empowered, radiant version of yourself. I empower souls just like you to cultivate a life full of self-love and conscious connection, so you can create the life you crave from the inside out.

I am here to HELP MAKE IT EASY for you!!!

Make clear decisions from your own alignment

Feel deeply confident and secure in your power

Feel vibrant, expansive, free... and learn how to align with and create the life you crave

Unwrite the old negative patterns that keep you stuck and rewrite an empowering new story



Your relationship with yourself is the most important human relationship you’ll ever have


Nurture strong relationships with the people in your life


Our mental, physical, and emotional health are priceless


Connect with something bigger than yourself

Work & Finance

Find ambition in your professional life

What Is RTT?
Rapid Transformational Therapy

RTT®, or Rapid Transformational Therapy®, is a powerful therapy method that combines principles from hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT, psychotherapy, and neuroscience to create a uniquely powerful therapy method. RTT®  works to help you overcome the past hurts that are impacting your present by working predominantly with the subconscious mind.

  • Control anxiety & stress 
  • Eliminate depression
  • Free yourself from ptsd
  • Boost self-confidence
  • Weight loss program (Lose excess weight)
  • Be Motivated to Exercise
  • OCD & OCPD
  • Release guilt, fear and shame
  • Therapy for letting go & releasing coaching
  • Break addictions (drinking, drugs, shopping…)
  • Stop smoking
  • Eliminate Insomnia, Phobias – fears
  • Stop teeth grinding, nail biting
  • Attract wealth and success
  • Cope with grief
  • Manage pain 
  • Eliminate psychosomatic disorders
  • Realise your personal and professional goals
  • and much more

1. ‘Don’t expect to feel Hypnotised.’

Many people come thinking that there is something about hypnosis which is markedly different from their “normal” state of consciousness. They may have seen a stage hypnotist and are basing their understanding on that. This is definitely not the case.

A light trance/hypnotic state will likely feel no different from relaxation. In fact, you will have a heightened state of awareness in hypnosis. ” There is no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis. You don’t go anywhere and many people don’t realise they are in hypnosis until they come out of it.”

2. ‘Do expect to feel deliciously relaxed.’

Hypnosis is a natural state where you feel increasing levels of relaxation because it will be suggested to you to feel relaxed.

3. ‘You ARE in control.’

During the session, you are in total control.

For example, if I told you to stand up, you probably will, right? But if I told you to rob a bank you wouldn’t do that. Well it’s the same in hypnosis. You are in control. You will only accept the suggestions that are given if they feel if it is in your interest to do so.


Generally, a single Rapid Transformation Therapy session is required to overcome a particular problem (such as anxiety, stress, fear), but some clients may need 2-3 sessions for more complex problems.

What is important to know is that this therapy itself is not a guarantee of success. You need to be engaged in the process of self-discovery, and in changing your own thinking mechanisms. Rapid Transformational Therapy is all the more effective as you allow yourself to revisit scenes from your past, discuss them and honour the emotions that arise.


 You are completely safe! In this relaxed state,  you will  just be REVIEWING and NOT RELIVING any past experiences.

You get into hypnotic states on a daily basis. When you watch TV when you read a good book, when you look at the window and let your mind wonder. These are all various levels of hypnotic or suggestive states. 



The RTT session – lasting up to 2h  

A Powerful Personalised RTT Recording

  • To listen to for the 21 days

Support for 21 days over whatsapp / email

BONUS1 Clarification Coaching Session* 

  • To be redeemed during or at the end or the 21 days 

* Clarification Coaching Sessions are useful to clarify or address any issue arising as a result of the initial RTT session with the same topic or presenting problem. These Clarification Sessions are subject to availability of the therapist. 


DISCLAIMER: Hypnosis is not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy or diagnosed psychotic conditions.

What Is LTC?

Life Transformational Coaching

Life Transformational Coaching, focuses on the future and working with the conscious mind. Helps you move toward your goals, supporting you to gain clarity and clear the obstacles in your way by working predominantly with the conscious mind.

  • define your true authentic inner motivations and goals,
  • get you on the road to these goals via changing patterns of behaviour and thinking,
  • shift you into action,
  • deal with the obstacles and fears that may come up throughout this process,
  • ensure that motivations and momentum are kept to reach long term success using specific techniques and strategies,
  • all of which will be tailored to your personal circumstance.

1st session

The first session will consist of an intake assessment of what you would like to work on in coaching. Before this initial meeting, it would be beneficial for you to complete a questionnaire which I can send to you via email/whatsapp. This will make the first session more powerfully productive.

2nd session

Subsequent sessions will function by checking back on the progress of your goals collaboratively, reviewing what you have achieved since the last session and setting up an action plan of what needs to be overcome or accomplished for the following week.


Yes! I use a whole host of methodologies, but my framework is hypnosis. This means that you will be super relaxed, your mind will be open to really creative suggestions and as a bonus you will be able to address any internal blocks that you are facing. 


Hypnosis and deep meditation both take place in what’s known as the theta brainwave state or REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

in this state inhibition and cognitive control are slowed down and the regions associated with emotion and motivation are highly active.

and might lead to wild associations, and thanks to the amygdala and cingulate cortex activity, those associations can be between emotionally charged topics. 

New research shows how this stage helps us make innovative connections between ideas and wild association between emotionally charged topics.


As with RTT you will experience breathrous

Hi I'm Theodor

I’m here to Help You BREAK Old Negative Habits & Unlock Your Full Potential

I used to not speak my mind just to make others happy. I would be less firm, less outspoken and suffering from the disease to please – less of the quirky, unique, funny, free spirit that makes me ME – in the hope of receiving more love, approval and appreciation. 

But here’s a secret that I learned through my own self-love journey – not knowing how to communicate your needs, wants, desire and hiding your true self is painful and corrodes your self-worth. It feeds on your fear of not being enough, loveable, or worthy, just as you are.

And when you aren’t your true self, you deny yourself the authentic belonging, deep connection, and whole-hearted true life you deserve.

But, YOU have the POWER to rewrite your story and step into the most empowered, radiant version of yourself.

You can shift your mindset and patterns to develop deep self-love and make powerful changes to create the life you crave from the inside out.

I am here to HELP MAKE IT EASY for YOU

What people are saying …

“I didn’t know how much I needed this!”

Working with Theo gave me such relief. Each word was supportive, empowering but also very firm to help dig deep to the root of the problem. I didn’t know how much I needed this! Thank you for guiding me through this particularly intimate journey. 

Oceane – Personal Coach – USA

Oceane - USA

Personal Coach

“Theo is gold”

“Theo leapt into my heart immediately with his enthusiasm and warmth. His depth of presence and empathy allowed me to unpack safely and address some hard truths.

Theo is gold, actually more valuable than Gold!!

TYF - Australia

“ReDiscovered  my voice again”

“Theodor did an amazing job at finding the root causes of my addictions that plagued me for 33 years.

 I’m eternally grateful to you for showing how those limited beliefs kept me from living a wholesome life and  for guiding me to rediscover  my voice again.”

Vydia N.

Addictions Specialist - INDIA

ReDiscover your ENOUGHNESS


A grounded and authentic life full of love, fulfilment and joy is grown from within. Our desires are sparks that are nurtured, explored, and expanded until they flame our lives with joy. To navigate these deep desires takes inner work, vulnerability, and openness. All of us hope to live fully empowered lives, but we are often too scared to embrace our true selves. It takes courage to show up, imperfect and authentic, every day. It takes practice and compassion to overcome the fears, doubt, and shame that hold us back. Being authentic starts with knowing that You are Enough, You are worthy of Love – because you are. 

As you embrace that truth, you can build true connections that honour you exactly as you are, without judgment. Love and happiness are possible for you. Show up for yourself. Honour yourself. Commit to yourself. Everything you want is waiting for you. You just have to take the leap.

CREATE the life YOU crave!

I’ll support you with the roadmap, tools, and guidance to welcome joy, fulfilment and empowerment into your life.


Root Cause therapy is an approach to treatment that focuses on resolving significant past events believed to be interfering with a person’s present mental and emotional wellness. Only people with sound mental health who are confident that a review of past events will not adversely impact their emotional or mental health should participate. We request that you do not participate in regression therapy if you or your treating practitioners have any past or existing concerns about your mental health.


*Results cannot be guaranteed, moreover, results from individual testimonials are for reference only and your own personal experience may differ to those shown on this site.